
Friday, January 13, 2017

Place Value Games...Hurry for a Flash Deal

I've just finished this little gem.  Okay, it's not so little, and it took a long time, but I love it and am excited to share it with you.  It was a hit with my class, and they even begged to play it during indoor recess this week.  BONUS!  

It's a set of three board games centered around WHOLE NUMBER PLACE VALUE.  

Here are the details:

With this set of three different board games students will practice several skills that are related to whole number place value, starting with the ones place all the way to the hundred millions place. Games are scaffolded so that they can be matched with varied ability levels. Students who are just starting to learn about place value in the ones period will benefit from Game 1, and as they work toward the thousands and millions, they will benefit from games 2 and 3. You can have multiple games going on at the same time in the same room. All boards, cards, and answer keys look and work the same way. So, when students learn how to use one, they should know how to use them all. 

Students will: 
- Identify whole numbers through hundred millions when given a specific digit in the numbers
- Name whole numbers through hundred millions and their specific digits
- Tell the values of digits through hundred millions
- Apply number sense when adding and subtracting basic whole number amounts (in terms of place value)

Each game includes an answer key so that students can check their own work if playing independently. 


These are great activities for: 
- Whole Class
- Small Groups or Centers
- Take Home Games
- Independent or Pair Work

Included in this resource are: 
- 3 Different Games that are varied for different student readiness and mastery levels
- Answer Keys for both games
- 4 Game Boards
- Student Directions
- Many Place Markers for Students
- Teacher Notes
- Directions for Play
- Suggestions for Use

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