
Best Education Websites

Here are some of my favorite websites for my students and for me.  Please suggest any that you think should be added.  I love learning about new websites.  :)

General Education

This is a website where you can continue classroom education online.  Once you set up a class, it's so easy to create assignments, communicate with students, allow for dialogue between you and students, create a calendar, and much more.  I add lots of language arts, science, and social studies links for interactive things for students to do.
I'm going to be honest- I was a bit overwhelmed at first, but after spending an entire afternoon I was totally hooked.  There's just so much to do, but it can be used in so many different capacities.  It really is worth the time.  My students love the opportunity to "chat" with me and to reply to polls and other things. 
Parents do have to give permission for students to use this website, but it's very easy to set up.
I am lucky enough to work in a district that purchases a license to this every year for its teachers.  I can't stress enough how much this enhances my science and social studies instruction.  There are so many wonderful videos, pictures, videos, and lesson plans for teachers to use.  I've used anything from stories focused on a specific genre to the Boston Massacre, to Veteran's Day videos, to vertebrates vs. invertebrates.  It's great for differentiating instruction.  Being able to see reenactments of historical concepts and many other things grabs the interest of the kids and often explains things in much better detail than I can.  I highly recommend it.
This website has activities for several topics within all subject areas.  I use it for social studies, math, and language arts.

Language Arts
It seems like there can never be enough language arts resources.  We teachers are constantly looking to improve what we have or just find something different.  Here are some of the Language Arts websites that I have come to adore over time.
This is a very comprehensive website with so many materials that it could take weeks to find everything. However, it is so well organized that I never find it overwhelming or hard to find what I need.  I came across it when I was working an after-school program for at-risk readers.  I wanted some reader's theater scripts, and voila...there they were.  Tons of them! has resources for comprehension, reader's theater, author studies, poetry, Six Traits Writing, Assessments, and much more.  There's definitely something for everyone.
Interactive Sites for Education is amazing!  It's a hub of links to games and activities that are all created by this site for students to use.  Language Arts areas that you'll find are appropriate for students in kindergarten all the way through early middle school.  There are activities for ABC's, Poetry, Spelling, Vocabulary, Capitalization, and many, many more.
Another website with tons of games, activities, downloadable books.  I like this because it has things for all ages.  It also includes lots of poetry items, which can be tricky to find sometimes.

This is huge collection of math games.  Many are arcade-like.
I stumbled upon this just recently, and I don't know how it took me so long to find it.  This site has really great interactive games for kids on topics that are often hard to find actual performance types of activities (transformations, linear equations, etc.)  I really like that it has more than just multiple choice types of questions/games.

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